In the oasis, the scene was a bedlam of confusion, panic and blood. The mysterious samurai assassin had laid out dozens of tribesmen already and he was now struggling toe-to-toe with Charnaiz, who was covered with gunfire from Kazansky’s PYA. Primrose came darting out of her tent, staring at the gore that greeted her as she went outside. “Stay inside!” Charnaiz hotly yelled at her. But the distraction cost him; Shruiken’s blade came searing through his upper left arm, and the thrust could have severed his torso from his legs, if he had been a less agile man.Charnaiz stepped back, pressure in his arm causing more blood to spurt out from the wound. He charged again, locked swords, did a spinning side step and managed an axe kick on his opponent’s back. Shruiken turned and lashed out at the space behind him, only then he was about a second too late. Now Charnaiz was in front of him again. Shruiken was extremely agile; he blocked the sword thrust. Charnaiz wondered if he would have to cheat in order to stave off this skilful foe. He then spotted Kazansky aiming at Shruiken. The samurai spotted him too. Now, Charnaiz knew that samurai would now flee from bullets; he knew that for a fact. However, he might gain a distraction from it, and he gathered what little Iris energy he had saved in his body for a short energy blast.
Shruiken continued advancing on Kazansky, evading most of the bullets. However, two or three struck him, and he spat blood. But soon, he retaliated, splitting Kazansky’s left leg open. The Russian major cried out in agony. “That was just a test, warrior. Now, you die!” Shruiken’s look was murderous, and he raised his sword high above his head, ready to bring it down---only to be blasted several yards backward. Shruiken felt the air knocked out of him and he saw that the rear of his armor had been shattered. Charnaiz knew that this was not enough. Discharging the energy blast had further increased the pressure, and more blood spurted from his arm, drenching his cassock. Shruiken got up and licked the blood on his sword. Then he grinned. “Kuruze!” he yelled, charging at Charnaiz again.
Kazansky briefly nursed his torn left leg. It was bleeding profusely, and he gritted his teeth due to the excruciating pain. He reached out and took something from his belt. A VX gas grenade. He then pulled out his GP-5\B gas mask. He considered using it. The gas would then kill Shruiken, but also the tribesmen who had been so hospitable, and Charnaiz who had proven a formidable ally. But then again, Charnaiz might turn on him, and Kazansky might not be able to return to Russia. He paused, frozen with indecision. Finally, he relaxed his grip on the grenade. But he did not take off his gas mask.
A woman appeared beside him suddenly. It was Valeri, their guide. “You have done quite well, warrior,” she gently said. She placed her hand on Kazansky’s leg. The hand glowed, and then he felt no pain, as if all his nerves had evaporated away. He then stared at the young woman. “Too bad she’s also not normal,” he thought to himself.
Charnaiz and Shruiken still continued their pitched battle on the edge of the oasis’ waterhole. Charnaiz had been flung into the water and it stained red. Just then, the young prophetess Valeri emerged from between two palms just as the two locked swords again.
“Enough, my Lord. I must now stop you, for I have now fully received the revelation reveal it to you.” Valeri then turned her eyes at Shruiken. A white light suddenly bathed the entire oasis. And then Charnaiz and Kazansky had realized that their brutish opponent was now gone.
Kazansky stared at the piles of dead bodies scattered around, and then at Valeri. ‘Good show,” was all he could muster to say. He was drained. Charnaiz plopped down on a sitting position on the ground, bleeding and out of breath. The young prophetess eyed them and said, “The time is now.”
Meanwhile, on the canyons, Natasha was sitting on a high peak. She started incuriously at the man who called himself the Azurenian, Reynold. He had destroyed all her weapons, yet had refused to take advantage and kill her. And definitely she would not attack him; she had seen what he had done to the rocks, and she could only imagine what more he was capable of. That made her even more frustrated. He finally spoke. “Let’s go,” he lifelessly said.
“To where?” she angrily questioned.
“Just follow me,” the blue-clad Azurenian replied.
Something then caught his attention. A purplish ball bounced off on the rocks nearby. Reynold took a closer glance. It was alive, it was furry, and it’s eyes were fixed on him. It opened it’s mouth to reveal it’s teeth, drawn together.
Natasha’s jaw also dropped. “Mookie,” she exclaimed.
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