Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Chronicles of Gondwana - Chapter 6

Valeri’s tribe was stoic in their heavy losses they suffered at the hands of Shruiken. While the rest of the tribe had gathered the dead, Valeri had taken Charnaiz and Kazansky to her hut, a serene dwelling at the border of their village. “The time has arrived, my noble lords, to know the purpose for your being here,’ said the young prophetess, holding a bright torch in her hand. She opened the drapes of her hut and led the two men inside. She motioned for them to be seated on a bench and then disappeared into an inner room. Moments later, she returned, holding a thick scroll, dusty and yellowing with age.

“This is the book of our Prophecy. Our entire race has entrusted our destiny to the words of this book, which reveals all the truth. It foretold Aquilifon’s coming, and it also foretells his destruction. He himself knows these words, and he dreads this time, for he knows his slayer has arrived.”

“I hate to interrupt, but how can you be so sure that we are indeed the so-called instruments of your prophecy?” Kazansky dubiously said.

“It is all explained here in the scroll, my lord Kazansky. It has been said that the Beast of the Chasm will bring forth the Couple of Destiny, the Couple of Fate, the Blue Wolf, the Lost One and the Velvet Fur. The Beast will be destroyed by only one of them, but if even only one fails to be there at the appointed hour, then all shall fail. And if the Beast can overcome the instruments of the prophecy, then their presence will bring forth the revealing of his real form.”

“Pizdets’. That was even weirder. Did you get anything, Charnaiz?” Kazansky asked the blonde king beside him.

“Uh, a little. Remember that Shruiken said that he was of the Lost Clan? I think it fits in.”

“Aye, my Lord. The one who attacked us is also an instrument of the prophecy.”

“What?! That murderous son of a bitch??” exclaimed Kazansky.

“Aye,” replied Valeri. “And you must find him and bring him with you to Aquilifon at the appointed hour. If not, then all will fail.”

“That complicates things,” Charnaiz said, stroking his chin thoughtfully. “I don’t see how we could convince a bloodthirsty samurai to accompany us, especially since we were trying our best to murder him a few hours ago.”

“You must find a way, my lord Charnaiz,” the prophetess said. “If not, Aquilifon might not be killed and we would be enslaved still.”

“I really don’t care,” Kazansky remarked. “All I care is about leaving this blasted world and returning to Krasnaya Russia.”

“And how would you plan to accomplish that, Major?” Charnaiz said. “What if the only way for you to return to your time and world is by destroying Aquilifon himself?”

“Then of course I’ll have no choice.”

“But I still have questions,” added Charnaiz, turning to face Valeri. “Who’s this Couple of Destiny and Couple of Fate?”

“The Couple of Destiny, my Lord, is already revealed to be you and your wife, Primrose. The Couple of Fate is for you to find out. My vision cannot interpret it as of now. Also, there is still the Blue Wolf and the Velvet Fur for you to seek as well.”

“And when is this so-called appointed time to meet Aquilifon?”

“It will be on the moon of Migdas when the Well of Ruri is full, my Lord.”

“Just cut straight to the chase, Valeri. When exactly is it?”

Valeri gave him a somewhat bemused look. “Two days from now, in your terms. And worry not, my Lord,” she added. “I have already arranged for our neighbouring tribes who like us also oppose Aquilifon to join us in our battle. We will gather all our fighting forces and accompany you to Aquilifon’s fortress, far way from here. There will all our destines be decided.”

“Army warfare. Now, there’s something to look forward to,” Charnaiz said. And he grinned. Kazansky was also smiling.

“However, know that Aquilifon will also pit his minions against you—all of the other tribes in this world that he enslaved. And they greatly outnumber us.”

“Never fear,” Charnaiz reassured her, the fire of excitement dancing in his eyes. “I’ve always liked being on the side of the underdogs.” He then raised Char Milvian in his right hand. It was his most prized possession, and had killed far more people than he ever thought he could kill.

Kazansky got up. “Well, that was a good talk. Now, I have to go. I have to prepare something important.”

“What?” asked Charnaiz.

“Oh. Just my Glorious and Heroic AK-47, your Majesty.”

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