Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Chronicles of Gondwana - Chapter 12


“All right,” Kazansky said. “I think I have a lot of questions.”

“Shruiken, he was the chosen one,” Reynold said breathlessly.

Charnaiz breathed a sigh of relief. “The sign, I did not know what the sign was.”

“It was that quake, my Lord,” Valeri the prophetess replied. “That quake was the sign. And now, we are victorious.”

Natasha Kalashnikova turned her back and began to walk away. “It’s over. Comrade Major, let’s go.” Kazansky then followed her down. And soon, all of them descended into the valley.

Nightfall. In the ground beneath Aquilifon’s now-burning citadel, Valeri and the remnants of her tribe had gathered around the instruments of the fulfilled prophecy. A portal, glowing red, was gaping wide open in front of them. Valeri had opened it hours ago through incantations.

Reynold grabbed the squirming Mookie and said, “I guess this would be the first one to go.” And saying nothing more, he flung the furball into the glowing portal.

Shruiken, the prophecy’s Chosen One and the Slayer of the Beast, faced them all. He clasped his clenched fist and open palm together in a sign of gratitude. “Arigato gozaimasu,” he said, and he bowed to them all. Then he turned his back to them and walked through the portal.

Reynold came up to Charnaiz. “I guess I have to go, Santi Charny,” he said. “This is my greatest honor, to have met the Progenitor and to have fought alongside him.” Charnaiz nodded. “Take care of the future, Reynold.” And he embraced the Azurenian. After a few moments, there was a bright flash as Reynold crossed worlds.

And now, Charnaiz went over to Kazansky. “It was fun,” he said, clasping the Russian’s hand in respect. “You were good, Charnaiz dir Castillon. I admit, this was something unique.”

“Indeed. Be well, major. Do svedanya,” Charnaiz said.

“Da. Sig-ye,” Kazansky replied as he and Natasha walked through the wormhole and disappeared in seconds.

“I guess it’s our turn, love. How much must we have missed things in Gondwana,” Charnaiz said to Primrose beside him.

“Yeah,” Primrose said, laying her head on his shoulder. And they too, walked towards the portal and home. Just before they were warped off, the king gave a farewell nod to Valeri and her tribe, who were still watching them.

Darkness and silence then fell on the desert sand as the portal closed.

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